Services List All samuhika (group) poojas at temple $25 Abhishekam - at temple $51 Abhishekam to Shiva, Ganesha, Venkateswara et al Abhishekam - outside temple $125 Abhishekam to Shiva, Ganesha, Venkateswara et al Aksharabhyasam - at temple $51 Aksharabhyasam - outside temple $125 Archana $11 Archana - Saibaba Ashtothara Archana $21 Graha pooja (All Nava Graha) $101 Graha pooja (One Graha) $21 Gruha pravesham (House warming) $151 Gruha pravesham (House warming) + Vratham $251 Homam $151 Ganesha, Navagraha, Laxmi, Balaji et al Wedding - at temple $251 Wedding - outside temple $501 Namakaranam - At temple $51 Namakaranam - outside temple $125 Engagement - at temple $151 Engagement - outside temple $251 Sai Vratham - at temple $51 Sai Vratham - outside temple $125 Ground breaking $151 Satyanarayana Vratham - at temple $51 Satyanarayana Vratham - outside temple $125 Baby shower - at temple $151 Baby shower - outside temple $201 60th Birthday - at temple $151 60th Birthday - outside temple $251 Upanayanam (Threading) - at temple $251 Upanayanam (Threading) - outside temple $501 Car pooja $25 SERVICESBook Appointment March 2025 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 242526272812345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031123456